Saturday, July 27, 2024

An IT education in New York. What opportunities does Columbia University offer?

Higher education in the field of IT is the key to a successful and wealthy life in the future. Every year, more students enter Columbia University in New York City, not only to become professionals in their field but to get an opportunity for self-development in many areas of life. Not in vain this university is included in the famous Ivy League, which is an association of the eight most prestigious educational institutions in the USA. Every teacher and student does every little thing to ensure a high level of education. Graduates of the legendary New York University hold only high positions, so it is safe to say that one has every possibility to become an IT professional at this institution. Learn more at new-york-future.

Everything you should know about the history of Columbia University

Columbia University in New York City is not only one of the most prestigious universities in the world but also a very old educational institution. The university was founded in 1754 as Royal College and received a charter from King George II of Great Britain. It became the first college in New York and the fifth in the Thirteen Colonies. This institution started conferring degrees in 1758. 

Within the first decade of the existence of the famous university, many students who studied there later became preeminent novelists and poets whose works were included in the Treasury of American Literary Classics. For example, Lucien Carr, Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac and William Burroughs studied at Columbia University, as well as Oscar winners, four presidents of the United States and 104 Nobel laureates engaged in educational and research activities at Columbia University. 

In 1896, the institution officially received the title of university with the permission of its trustees. Nicholas Butler was the president of the university for 40 years. During his tenure, Columbia University became a national research university with the concept of multiversity. For the first time, women were allowed to educational programs at New York University in the autumn of 1883.

Only those applicants who have high scores in various school subjects and perfect discipline will be able to receive a bachelor’s degree at university. Every student at Columbia University has the right to make an individual curriculum based on their needs, interests and qualifications. The cost of tuition per year conforms to the education quality as students will have to pay a total of 10 thousand dollars or more.

IT field at Columbia University

The philosophy of the famous university is to give each student freedom in their activities and develop those sides of their personality that find expression in students’ creativity and studies. Every year the university graduates dozens of young, ambitious and qualified specialists. The most popular is the master’s program majoring in Computer technology. This faculty is perfect for students who want to focus on the latest technologies, IT field, engineering, and computer studying. 

The educational process in this faculty consists of several stages, each of which reveals one or another aspect of work in the field of IT technology. In particular, students study bioinformatics and data protection, the basics of fact-checking and secure information retrieval, intelligent systems, and financial analysis. The duration of study is two academic years. 

In addition, Columbia University has 18 other faculties in various fields. However, the most popular ones remain industrial engineering and mechanical engineering, economics, political economy and mathematical economics, neurosciences and behavior, as well as chemistry, biology and foreign language faculties.    

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