Monday, May 6, 2024


School is one of the most important steps in every person’s life, as exactly here, young people prepare for adult life, adopt important decisions for the first time, learn to take responsibility and make friends. It is of great importance for New Yorkers which school their children will attend, as exactly in high school, they prepare to enter higher education institutions or colleges. There are a lot of prestigious schools in New York with high-quality and expensive education, so choosing the best one is a great challenge. However, Stuyvesant High School is considered to be one of the best ones and not without reason, as it has a heap of advantages and proofs that its graduates become successful in the future. Find out more at new-york-future.

Facts from the history of Stuyvesant High School

Stuyvesant High School is a role model for education quality in the metropolis for many years in a row. It was founded in 1904 and then was known as the school to educate boys. The institution was named in honor of Dutch Peter Stuyvesant, who had been the last one to rule the colony of New Netherland (this is how New York was formerly known) before it was captured by the English in 1664.

In the first years of activity, approximately 150 pupils visited Stuyvesant High School regularly with 12 teachers teaching there. In 1907 the school moved to the building located at 345 East 15th Street. The school’s reputation grew, because the majority of its pupils had great achievements in the exact sciences. So, the institution limited the admission of new pupils based on academic results. In those years, Stuyvesant High School faced an immense influx of pupils, so it was necessary to spread certain teaching schedules for them. One group of pupils studied in the morning or the afternoon and another one came to study in the evening. Such a system operated until 1956.

The school started accepting girls to study only in 1964. Starting from the 2000s, the percentage of girls among pupils became higher in the New York institution than the percentage of boys. Stuyvesant High School is worthy to have a rank as the main school in New York for the development in the field of science, mathematics and technology. Not only do pupils attend the lessons provided by the standard program, but also actively take additional courses in art, computer science, biology, chemistry, etc. The main advantage is that everyone chooses what they like most of all. Pupils can choose several disciplines on which they will take exams later.

The New York educational institution is also famous for almost always accepting migrants to study. The school can boast its great number of prominent graduates, among which there are even four Nobel Prize winners.

The awful day in the school’s history and prominent graduates

The whole world knows about the awful terrorist attack in New York, which happened on the 11th of September, 2001. Stuyvesant High School is situated 400 meters from the Twin Towers, which were ruined that day, and the cloud of toxic smoke filled the school building after the terrorist attack. Fortunately, the building survived, and there were no victims among pupils, however, this event had negative consequences for teenagers later on. Because of the school’s proximity to the explosion site, its territory succumbed to the influence of asbestos sediments.

The agency for environmental protection helped the administration of the institution to organize the deep cleaning of the buildings and assured that it did not threaten the health of workers and pupils. However, throughout the year teenagers were reported to have certain health issues, which were reflected in the press, particularly, respiratory problems and issues with concentration, and the pupil Amit Friedländer was diagnosed with cancer. Only when the room ventilation was completely cleaned, the number of pupils´ inquiries to the medical facilities became less frequent.  

Such famous personalities as Joshua Lederberg, who received the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine and Robert Fogel, the holder of the Nobel Prize in the field of economics as well as the actor Tim Robbins and the actress Lucy Liu studied at Stuyvesant High School.

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