Wednesday, May 8, 2024


New York has always been extremely innovative and always the first to adopt new technologies and innovations. This was also the case with television. New York Television was first mentioned back in the 1870s. However, do all New Yorkers know the history of local television? Learn more at new-york-future.

How did it all start?

In 1875, an American scientist developed an invention that made it possible to project an image using several light sources.

As such, the history of New York television began in 1941. That is when the two companies NBC and CBS were the first to receive television licenses. Since then, there have been two channels in New York: 1 and 2. The first programs shown on New York television were various sports and entertainment events. Back then, the first city channels had very few viewers because World War II was in full swing, and people simply did not care about buying a TV.

Development of New York Television

After the Second World War ended, the viewing situation changed. As of 1948, New Yorkers had over 190,000 TVs in their homes. From that point on, the development of television in New York City took off. So, television has become an integral part of everyday life. New Yorkers learned useful information and news through television. Television completely changed the lives of New Yorkers.

TV and TV programs in the 1940s and 1950s were major topics for discussion. New Yorkers consulted each other about what kind of TV to buy, discussing television programs and so on.

In the 1940s, New York Television aired a famous series called Kraft Television Theater. In addition to it, in the early years of New York television, there were such TV shows as:

  • Court of Current Issues
  • Teenage Book Club
  • Photographic Horizons
  • Meet the Press
  • Others

Soap operas (Faraway Hill) and sitcoms (Mary Kay and Johnny and The Growing Paynes) were also popular on TV.

Television in the lives of New Yorkers in the 1940s was a new and major source of information. TV programs of the time provided knowledge to the residents of the city, enlightened them, and distracted them from their daily routines. Therefore, over the years, more and more people had a TV at home and every evening they rushed to watch their favorite shows. Television filled the hearts and minds of New Yorkers.

The city of New York was the first major center in America to develop television well in the 1940s. At that time, there were already five television stations in New York City:

  • WABD
  • WABT
  • WCBS
  • WNBT
  • WPIX

Usually, the daily TV program on the New York channels consisted of news and various short films, mostly westerns. As the evening approached, New York channels were broadcasting sports events, movies, and various network shows. Every program in the 1940s was worth watching.

Gradually, television in New York began to develop rapidly. There were new modern channels, new TV shows, new television stars, TV stores and more. By the early 1950s, Americans already had more than 12 million TVs in their homes. In the 20th century, television was an integral part of life, just as a smartphone is in the 21st century. In 1955, 70% of Americans already had televisions in their homes.

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